Define the following terms in the context of programming with the help of an example: (i) Data Types (ii) Arrays (iii)Subroutines and functions (iv) Logical and relational operators

IGNOU Assignment Answers and free solutionsCategory: AssignmentDefine the following terms in the context of programming with the help of an example: (i) Data Types (ii) Arrays (iii)Subroutines and functions (iv) Logical and relational operators
Define the following terms in the context of programming with the help of an example: (i) Data Types (ii) Arrays (iii)Subroutines and functions (iv) Logical and relational operators 1Amit Kumar Staff asked 7 years ago

Define the following terms in the context of programming with the help of an example:
(i) Data Types
(ii) Arrays
(iii)Subroutines and functions
(iv) Logical and relational operators

1 Answers
Define the following terms in the context of programming with the help of an example: (i) Data Types (ii) Arrays (iii)Subroutines and functions (iv) Logical and relational operators 1Amit Kumar Staff answered 7 years ago

Data Type: Anything that is processed by a computer is called data. There are different types of data that can be given to the computer for processing. Types:- Int ->2 bytes in Float -> floating point numbers, up to 4 bytes in Double -> floating point number with double precision. These are organized in 8 bytes (64 bits) Char -> character type size of 1 byte (8 bits). It is used to form the strings(sequence of characters). Array: – an array is collection of data having same data type. For example: – int a [5]. Here “a” is an array of five-integer value. A number called index indexes all numbers. By default index is zero.