HTML marquee height

Description: This attribute indicates the marquee height


<marquee Height=20px>Me with height 20px</marquee>

Me with height 20px
Height with bgcolor

<marquee Height=20px bgcolor=yellow>Me with height and bgcolor</marquee>

Me with height and bgcolor
height with bgcolor and direction Up

<marquee Height=20px bgcolor=yellow direction=up>Me with height , bgcolor and direction up</marquee>

Me with height , bgcolor and direction up
height=50 with bgcolor and direction Down

<marquee Height=50px bgcolor=yellow direction=down>Me with height , bgcolor and direction down</marquee>

Me with height , bgcolor and direction down
Next: Hspace

Marquee Tag Attribute
÷ Behavior
÷ Bgcolor
÷ Direction
÷ Height
÷ Hspace
÷ Loop
÷ Scrollamount
÷ Scrolldelay
÷ Vspace
÷ Width
÷ Start()
÷ Stop()